Claim Jumpers!

Working Title: Claim Jumpers!
Number of Players: 2-5
Play Time: 60 min.
Ages: 12+
Key Features:
Easy setup
Elegant rules
Dice action selection
Luck mitigation
Many strategies and tactics
Highly interactive territory control
Mechanics: Hex tile placement; modular board; territory control; dice pool rolling; action selection; variable turn order; and more
Rough Parts List: 45 hex tiles; 1 3x hex tile; 32 meeples; 11 standard dice; 5 scoring markers, 1 roller token; 50 money tokens; 15 building pieces; 1 game board; rules booklet.
Note: The pictures here are of homemade prototypes and may contain some clip art and/or parts from other games. These are only used to represent similar pieces that would be used in in a commercial production.
Game Overview
At the start of a round all of the dice are rolled together and placed on the action board by number. On your turn you must use a die of your color and a neutral white die, one right after the other. Each die you choose allows you to take an action, such as build a tile, gain money, move figures, or score. In addition, your own colored die gives you a better version of the action!
At the heart of the game there is the struggle for territory control. But unlike other games in this arena, you only have a few of your own dudes to hold down the fort... That’s where the wild Claim Jumpers come in! Claim Jumpers take on the colors of the tiles they stand on—but at the price of fewer points when you score those tiles. Throughout the game you must find just the right balance to take over your opponents’ properties, while keeping your own populated...
With careful planning and cunning tactics, can you roll your way to win the West?